Thursday, February 7, 2013

Seeing People vs. Seeing Problems

"Everyone is longing and hoping that someone will get them, that they are a person and not a behavior."  - Dr. Roy E. Barsness

I have to say, I love this quote and I hate it.  I love it, because its true.  I know that I have longed for someone to see me rather than my behaviors, either good or bad.  I hate this quote because I so often fall short of it when I view others.

It is so much easier to see behaviors rather than to se people.  I especially found this interpersonal stance more convenient during my time as a pastor.  It was far more comfortable to stand at a distance and judge behaviors and to give "fixes" that it was to get deep into the muck of life, two people with beauty and pain all swirled together.

As I embark on this journey of school, internship and then a career as a therapist, I am aware that one of the easiest default settings for me will be to sit with a client and view them as a set of behaviors rather than a unique and beautiful person with a narrative/story that I would be blessed to hear.  So, wonderful words by one of my professors, humbling words, and challenging to the core.

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