What is This Blog About?

This blog is about adventure and language.  I’m in my second year of grad school.  I have a year and a half before I graduate, at which point I will be able to practice therapy either in a private practice or a mental health organization.  

I’ve developed a focused therapeutic voice in school that does not translate well to others outside the school walls.  I need to learn to communicate what I know in a way that is accessible to future clients and individuals who are curious about therapy.  The notion of going to a therapist can be terrifying.  Those individuals don’t need convoluted psychological jargon to intimidate them further.

That is what this blog is about.  It is a chance for me to convey my thoughts, some on therapy and others just as random thoughts, and to get feedback on if my words are accessible.  So please, comment away on what I post, your comments and even disagreements will help me to adapt my voice into one that can convey my heart in a way that most listeners can understand.

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